REU Summer Program
National Science Foundation (NSF) Funded Program
Application Deadline March 1st, 2025
The Biosphere 2 REU provides undergraduates an opportunity to conduct guided research in environmental and Earth systems science at a leading and unique research institution. We are recruiting ten students for 2025 summer. Students will receive stipends of $6,000 for the 10-week research internship, food allowance, housing on the Biosphere 2 campus, funding for travel to and from Tucson, AZ, as well as support for travel to a professional meeting to present their work. For 2024, the program runs from June 9th to August 15th. Students will be selected from across the country to participate in the program and they will conduct research at Biosphere 2.
The REU program at Biosphere 2 is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation. We share the goals of the NSF to use the REU experience as a way to provide research opportunities for students who might not have such opportunities readily available at their home institutions. The summer program will allow students to gain experience in research firsthand, training and preparation for careers in science, and opportunities to communicate science to diverse audiences. Students will also work with partner organizations at the University of Arizona to connect research findings to applied environmental solutions. Participation in the REU program will help prepare students for graduate studies in science.
REU Program Background
The program is structured with five interrelated components:
- the practice of research on individual projects,
- the context of that research within the broader interdisciplinary Earth system sciences framework,
- the relevance of that research in terms of environmental and societal challenges to foster practical solutions,
- professional development related to successful pursuit of Earth and environmental science careers, and
- the ability to effectively communicate the process, importance, and findings of research to broad audiences.
Students will conduct their own research under a mentor, interact with other participants and scientists at B2 and UA, and present research findings in a formal symposium setting. A unique part of the B2 REU experience will be the opportunity to interact with the 100,000 public visitors to B2 and be trained in outreach related to their research topics. Additionally, students will participate in professional development workshops and field trips to local attractions.
How To Apply
To apply to the B2 REU program, please fill out the qualtrics survey attaching a 2-page maximum narrative statement of educational and career goals, research experiences and interests; and two contacts for letters of recommendation from faculty at your home institution. Please have your references fill out this survey to include your letter of recommendation. Review of application materials, including letters of recommendation will start on March 1st, 2025 and continue until all positions are filled.
Apply now! Survey for References
Am I Eligible to Apply?
Students majoring in, or in a curriculum leading to, one of the following fields in environmental or Earth system science will be well suited to participate in the B2 REU: hydrology, soil science, geology, atmospheric science, biology, ecology, plant sciences, mathematics, physics, chemistry, or computer science. According to NSF rules, students can apply if they are enrolled in a degree program and, following the experience, have at least one semester of college left before graduation. High school graduates who have been accepted at an undergraduate institution but who have not yet started their undergraduate study are also eligible to participate. Students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents to be eligible for NSF/REU grant support. We encourage applications from students in groups underrepresented in science.
Funding for this REU site is provided by the National Science Foundation’s Division of Earth Sciences located in Alexandria, VA, grant number 2051145. The NSF contact for this program is Aisha Morris. NSF does not handle REU applications; please contact each REU site directly for application information.
Please contact the program directors, Dr. Katerina Dontsova or Dr. Kevin Bonine if you have questions about the program.