Symposium Schedule 2023

Biosphere 2 Annual Symposium
January 21, 2023

Opportunities for Research, Education and Entrepreneurship at Biosphere 2: Finding Solutions for Resilience on Earth and Beyond

The University of Arizona’s Biosphere 2 (B2) is a unique and irreplaceable tool for research and education focused on understanding the impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss and sustainable development and for developing solutions that make environments and societies more resilient to these global challenges. The 2023 B2 annual symposium will highlight the unique aspects of B2 and its value to UA, the international research community, and the broader society. Sessions will include overviews of ongoing research and opportunities for new collaborations for researchers and faculty, highlights of the exciting educational and internship opportunities for students, poster sessions, and introductions to the entrepreneurial activities based at B2.

Preliminary Schedule

Video: 2023 Symposium

8:00: Registration and Coffee

8:45: Welcome, Joaquin Ruiz, Director Biosphere 2

8:50: Deborah Goldberg, Chair Biosphere 2 Science Advisory Board, University of Michigan 

Why Biosphere 2 is a unique and irreplaceable resource for the University of Arizona and the world

9:00: Plenary, Dr. Christiane Werner, Professor, University of Freiburg, Germany 

Why ecosystem scale experiments can deliver unique insights: lessons learned from the Biosphere 2 Water Air Life Dynamics (WALD) campaign

10:00: Break

10:30: Landscape Evolution Observatory (Scott Saleska, University of Arizona)

11:00: Biosphere 2 Ocean (Diane Thompson, University of Arizona)

11:30: Tropical Rain Forest Biome (Joost van Haren, University of Arizona)

12:00: Lunch and Poster Session

1:30: Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water Systems (Greg Barron-Gafford, University of Arizona)

2:00: Space Analog for the Moon and Mars (SAM) (Trent Tresch, University of Arizona)

2:30: Panel on Education Opportunities at Biosphere 2

3:30: Panel on Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Biosphere 2

4:00: Reception and Poster Session

6:00: Close