The University of Arizona’s Biosphere 2 is the world’s largest controlled environment dedicated to understanding the implication, mitigation and adaptation solutions for resilience of our planet (Biosphere 1) due to the global climate crisis. Biosphere 2 is a meso-scale Earth science facility encompassing 3.14 acres and houses five synthetic ecosystems encased in a glass and metal spaceframe. Operational for 30 years and counting, these meso-scale ecosystems include the world’s largest controlled systems of tropical rain forest, desert, savanna, mangrove, and ocean.
Biosphere 2 is a user facility, we are actively accepting proposals for research. If you are interested in collaborating or conducting your own research at our facility please visit the user facility page for more information.
If you are an undergraduate student looking for research opportunities, please explore our University Programs.
If you are interested in pursuing a graduate degree or post-doc fellowship, please contact the respective research director for available opportunities.